
Get to know the

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Discover below the courses offered by Instituto Eurofarma in São Paulo, Itapevi, Montes Claros/MG and at a distance

Professional Initiation

Preparation for

the World of Work

(São Paulo and Itapevi)

Uma mulher de camisa branca está segurando um tablet


The Preparation Course for the World of Work considers the student at the center of the teaching and learning process. To this end, the pedagogical model proposes the personalization of teaching, which refers to a series of strategies that promote the student's development in school content and life.

Target Audience

Students and former students of public schools.

Participation Criteria

    The student must, at the beginning of the course, be at least 14 years old and have completed the 9th year of Elementary Level. Be a student or former student of a public school.

If you have any questions, read the FAQs or contact us

via WhatsApp on (11) 99499-9201.

Subscribe now!

Age range

from 14 to 18 years old


Classes 3 times a week

Morning: 8:30 am to 11:45 am

Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:45 pm

Evening: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm


Four months






    Jurubatuba | São Paulo - SPItapevi/SP


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Professional Initiation

Administrative routines

(São Paulo and Itapevi)

Um jovem está segurando uma prancheta e escrevendo nela.


The Professional Initiation Course in Administrative Routines aims to develop behavioral, attitudinal and ethical skills, in addition to promoting the knowledge necessary to support administrative routines in companies.

With a didactic and engaging approach, our classes combine theory and practice, providing a complete learning experience. Students will have access to computer laboratories, group dynamics and audiovisual resources that facilitate understanding of the content.

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to improve your skills and boost your professional career! Sign up and discover how the Professional Initiation Course in Administrative Routines can open doors to a promising future.

Target Audience

Students and former students of public schools.

Participation Criteria

    The student must, at the beginning of the course, be at least 14 years old and have completed the 9th year of Elementary Level. Be a student or former student of a public school.

If you have any questions, read the FAQs or contact us

via WhatsApp on (11) 99499-9201.

Subscribe now!

Age range

from 14 to 18 years old


Classes twice a week

Morning: 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Evening: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (SP only)


Four months






    Jurubatuba | São Paulo - SPItapevi/SP


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Professional Initiation

Marketing and Communication

(São Paulo)

Uma mulher de camisa branca está segurando um tablet


The world of marketing and communication is constantly updated, and we want to prepare you to master the techniques and do well in your future!

The Marketing and Communication course is an excellent opportunity to learn about two fields that are fundamental to professional success.

Marketing involves the creation and promotion of strategies to attract and retain customers, while Communication addresses the efficient transmission of information and interpersonal relationships. These skills are crucial in practically all areas of the job market.

In this course, students will experience dynamic classes, with theoretical expositions, group dynamics and practical activities, all supported by quality audiovisual resources.

Sign up and develop valuable skills that will make a difference in your first job and beyond.

Target Audience

Students and former students of public schools.

Participation criteria

    The student must, at the beginning of the course, be at least 14 years old and have completed the 9th year of Elementary Level. Be a student or former student of a public school.

If you have any questions, read the FAQs or contact us

via WhatsApp on (11) 99499-9201.

Subscribe now!

Age range

from 14 to 18 years old


Classes twice a week

Morning: 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm


approximately 4 months






Jurubatuba | Sao Paulo-SP


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Professional Initiation


for the World of Work

(São Paulo and Itapevi)

Uma mulher está segurando um laptop e apontando para ele.


This course was carefully designed to develop essential skills in the IT field, helping students to master the most used tools in the professional environment, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the Internet.

With a dynamic and engaging approach, our classes offer a combination of theory and practice in computer laboratories, promoting interaction through group dynamics and dialogue activities, all supported by high-quality audiovisual resources.

Don't miss this incredible chance to stand out in the job market and boost your careers.

Sign up now and discover how the Professional Initiation Course - Basic IT for the World of Work can be the key to a bright future!

Target Audience

Students and former students of public schools.

Participation criteria

    The student must, at the beginning of the course, be at least 14 years old and have completed the 9th year of Elementary Level. Be a student or former student of a public school.

If you have any questions, read the FAQs or contact us

via WhatsApp on (11) 99499-9201.

Subscribe now! (Itapevi only)

Age range

from 14 to 18 years old


Classes twice a week

Morning: 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Evening: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (SP only)


approximately 4 months






    Jurubatuba | São Paulo/SP (vacancies closed) Itapevi/SP


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Professional Initiation

Programming (IT)

(São Paulo and Itapevi)

Um homem e uma mulher estão um ao lado do outro segurando laptops e um tablet.


We present an unmissable course for those looking to stand out in the job market and start a promising career in the development of Web interfaces: the Professional Initiation Course - Front End Programming.

In this course, you will learn how to use technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to develop responsive projects, that is, websites that adapt to different screen resolutions. Furthermore, they will work with layouts created by designers and learn to manipulate web pages dynamically, consuming data from web servers.

With expository and practical classes in computer laboratories, our program offers a complete learning experience, using dialogued group dynamics and audiovisual resources to enrich the educational process.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to invest in the future and take a leap in your professional career!

Sign up now for the Professional Initiation Course - Front End Programming and discover how web development can open the doors to a bright future!

Target Audience

Students and former students of public schools.

Participation criteria

    The student must, at the beginning of the course, be at least 14 years old and have completed the 9th year of Elementary Level. Be a student or former student of a public school.

If you have any questions, read the frequently asked questions or contact us via Whatsapp at (11) 99499-9201.

Subscribe now!

Age range

from 14 to 18 years old


Classes twice a week

Morning: 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Afternoon: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm


approximately 4 months






    Jurubatuba | São Paulo/SPItapevi/SP


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Technical Course

Nursing Technician

(São Paulo)

Uma mulher com um jaleco branco e um estetoscópio no pescoço está de pé com os braços cruzados.


To find out more about this course, click the button below and access the special page with all the information!

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Stock Market Program

of Studies

Eurofarma Institute

High school

(São Paulo)

Uma garota de camisa branca está segurando um caderno e uma xícara.


The Scholarship Program - Instituto Eurofarma aims to promote the social inclusion of young students from public schools by offering scholarships in private schools, in high school, significantly contributing to improving the quality of education.


The Selection Process consists of 5 (five) mandatory steps:

    Online registration; Socioeconomic assessment; In-person test; Family interview with a social worker; Presentation of documents (RG, CPF, proof of residence, school report from the 7th to the 9th of Elementary School).


Candidates approved in the selection process will receive a full scholarship and benefits, as described below, to attend three years of high school in private schools selected by the Eurofarma Institute:

    Teaching materialComplete uniformFoodParticipation in external educational activities organized by the schoolReinforcement or school recovery offered by the partner school

Target Audience

Students in the 9th year of Elementary School at public schools in the South Zone of São Paulo

Participation criteria

To participate in the selection process and compete for the scholarship, the candidate must meet the following requirements:

    Be in the 9th year of elementary school in a public school in 2024Have completed 15 years of age on 06/30/2025Have studied in a public school throughout elementary schoolHave a monthly family income of up to 1 minimum wage per person (R$1,640)


Get on the list to be invited to participate in the selection process for the 2nd semester of 2024.

If you have any questions, contact us via WhatsApp at (11) 99499-9201.

Join the interest list!

Age range

16 years old


Morning or afternoon


3 years






IE partner colleges in the South Zone of São Paulo/SP

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the profile of Eurofarma Institute students?

    For professional initiation courses you must be a student or have graduated from a public school. The target audience is young people in situations of economic vulnerability and family income will be observed to prioritize registrations.

  • Do I need to pay anything for the courses?

    The courses offered by Instituto Eurofarma are 100% free. All materials, equipment and uniforms are paid for by the institution. The only amount invested by the candidate is related to their transportation, from home/school to the unit and back home.

  • I signed up for a course, but changed my mind. Can I make changes via the website?

    It is not possible to make this change via the website. When we contact you, you must inform us that you are no longer interested and/or indicate your interest in taking another course.

  • Can I enroll in more than one course per semester?

    No, the candidate can only enroll in one course per semester. Therefore, it is very important that the candidate reads about all the courses before enrolling. But the candidate can enroll in another course in later semesters.

  • Can I get a student card through the Institute?

    No. SPTrans or other transport operators do not authorize the issuance of a student card for short-term courses offered by non-formal education institutions.

  • The course I am interested in is not currently open for registration. What should I do?

    Registration opens in the middle and end of the year.

  • A Eurofarma employee recommended me to take a course. What should I do?

    Register on the website and fill in the details correctly. Unfortunately, the recommendation is not a guarantee of a place, as we observe the selection criteria for each course for all candidates.

  • I finished the Raw Materials project at the Eurofarma Institute in the previous semester and I want to take the Professional Training course. What should I do?

    In this case, contact Matéria-Prima coordination to receive updated guidance on how to proceed.

  • I registered, participated in the selection process, but my name is not on the approved list, can I register again for the next semester?

    Yes, you can reapply for the following semester.

  • I started a course at Instituto Eurofarma, but I stopped halfway through the course. Can I participate in the selection process again?

    If you interrupted the course and the reason cannot be proven by medical certificates or study declarations, you will have to wait two years to try to take another course at the Eurofarma Institute.

  • Will I receive a certificate?

    It will depend on your course! If you passed and reached the minimum frequency (75%) in one of our professional courses, you will be certified by the educational institution that took the course (ALICERCE, SENAI, SENAC or 4YOU2). Preparatory courses (ENEM/ETEC/vestibular) do not have a certificate.

  • When I finish the course I signed up for, can I take another one?

    If you completed the course and passed, you will be able to enroll in another course in a later semester.

  • I registered on the website. What should I do now?

    The candidate must wait for contact from the Instituto Eurofarma team via email and Whatsapp. Contact may occur throughout the registration period and/or after it closes. Therefore, it is very important that candidates remain calm and constantly check their inbox for spam and junk mail.

  • How long are the courses?

    Course hours vary. Professional initiation courses last approximately four months.

  • Who can I talk to about the Professional Initiation courses?

    Contact us via Whatsapp at (11) 99499-9201. To talk to us, add it to your phone calendar or click on the number to open a tab in the browser or on your cell phone.

  • Does Instituto Eurofarma partner for a discount or scholarship for each training course with other institutions or schools?

    When the Eurofarma Institute defines any partnership, the projects are always informed through the organization's official channels (website, official WhatsApp, etc.).

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