With the aim of fostering creativity, learning and social engagement, the Matéria-Prima program workshops cover topics such as art, music, games, technology, environment and citizenship. Since 2015, the program has had an assessment methodology focused on learning Portuguese and Mathematics.
Throughout their training, students receive free food (lunch and snack), uniform and participation in cultural activities, in addition to support from Social Services, Nursing and dental care.
In São Paulo, 330 children are served and in Itapevi another 240.
Signing up for the waiting list is done by filling out an online form.
Enrollment is only carried out in the months of January and July, when there is a balance of vacancies, that is, when a student already enrolled withdraws.
All students go through an admission process to join the project, following the following requirements:
As matrículas acontecem somente nos meses de janeiro e julho;
Estar regulamente matriculado e frequentando escola pública – municipal ou estadual;
Para novos alunos a idade de ingresso é entre 6 e 7 anos;
Há priorização em critérios de renda e vulnerabilidades. A família deve comprovar sua renda ou o recebimento de benefícios sociais;
Será realizada uma entrevista presencial com a assistente social do projeto e com a criança e o responsável, além da conferência de documentos;
Para rematrícula será feita avaliação do aproveitamento do aluno no ano anterior;
No caso de não haver vaga no projeto imediatamente, o nome da criança será colocado em uma lista de espera.
Signing up for the waiting list is done by filling out an online form.
Enrollment is only carried out in the months of January and July, when there is a balance of vacancies, that is, when a student already enrolled withdraws.
All students go through an admission process to join the project, following the following requirements:
As matrículas acontecem somente nos meses de janeiro e julho;
Estar regulamente matriculado e frequentando escola pública – municipal ou estadual;
Para novos alunos a idade de ingresso é entre 7 e 8 anos;
Há priorização em critérios de renda e vulnerabilidades. A família deve comprovar sua renda ou o recebimento de benefícios sociais;
Será realizado uma entrevista presencial com a assistente social do Projeto e com a criança e o responsável, além da conferência de documentos;
Para rematrícula será feita avaliação do aproveitamento do aluno no ano anterior;
No caso de não haver vaga no projeto imediatamente, o nome da criança será colocado em uma lista de espera.
The Eurofarma Institute's courses seek to generate opportunities and new perspectives through professional qualification, promoting positive transformations in the student's life, their family and, consequently, the community.
The work methodology is focused on training for the job market and the work is anchored in the Professional Initiation, Preparatory and Nursing Technician courses, aiming at training and insertion into the world of work in a qualified way.
Around 9,000 children are impacted by these projects each year.
The Eurofarma Institute supports the development of teaching staff in surrounding communities. The activities are carried out in partnership with the Municipal Department of Education of Itapevi and São Paulo (Regional Santo Amaro), and combine theory and practice. The themes are designed based on the desires and needs of teachers.
If you are an Education professional in the regions mentioned and want to know more, get in touch with us!
Matéria-Prima extends through projects such as “Agenda Aberta”, “IE nas Escolas” and “Educar para Reciclar”. The first is held on Fridays, when the units are open to the community throughout the school year, and consists of workshops and recreational activities for entire classes at nearby public schools.
The “IE nas Escolas” program carries out educational activities and games in the spaces of partner schools. “Educate to Recycle” aims to promote Environmental Education in public schools in Itapevi with the participation of the entire school community and with the support of the Municipality of Itapevi in the collection of recyclable materials that are destined for the city's collectors' cooperative.
Rua Olga de Castro, 15
Jardim Itapevi, Itapevi - SP,
(11) 97651-0653
Rua José Benedito Salinas, 137,
Jardim Itapeva, São Paulo - SP
(11) 96928-9497
Av. das Nações Unidas, 22215
Jurubatuba, São Paulo - SP,
(11) 99499-9201
Rua Professor Irineu Chaluppe, 65, 4th floor, Itapevi - SP,
(11) 99499-9201
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